About Us
why land?
The E.W. Kingbird Land Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that aims to preserve land for the use of wildlife. We identify viable locations that serve as year-round and breeding sites, as well as safe migration paths, that are critical for future generations to thrive. Many environments that are considered undesirable for humans—marshland or grassland—are in fact essential for many species.
what else can be done?
In addition to land conservation, we also help residences and businesses find ways to encourage a more mutually beneficial relationship with their local wildlife. Not only will this benefit the wildlife, but also those who participate in the program. Something as easy as planting native flowers can impact the future—pollination is essential to our plant life, as well as our daily lives.
What is the importance?
The fragmentation of habitat leads to an increased wildlife presence in cities, which puts their survival at greater risk. If a bird’s migration path that was once grassland is now a development, there will be less food rest stops for their migration journey. Any green space within an urban environment serves as a critical rest area or year-round home for some creature; thus it is important to remember the other creatures living among us.